8x8 - Install 8x8 Work App for Windows
Learn how to install the 8x8 Work App for Windows. This is intended for laptops since you can utilize the mic and speakers. If you are using a desktop, then you won't be able to use a mic unless you use a headset or external USB mic. Your hospital should be able to purchase this for your desktop setup. If they're unsure, have them reach out to us.
1. To download the 8x8 Work App from 8x8's website, click the link found here. Scroll down until you see "What to Consider." Click on the download link. This method ensures you have the latest version.
2. Once the link is clicked, it will start downloading. Depending on the browser, you may see it downloading in the lower left corner of the browser or upper-right corner. After it finishes, you can double-click on the file to install the program. Login instructions are in step 3 below.
Note: If you still can't find it, open your File Explorer and look for your Downloads folder , and look for your downloaded file.
3. The installed application will start on its own and present you with a login screen. This will authenticate through the browser. If you're not signed in the browser, the authentication will fail. Most users will be signed in at this point. Do not skip the Login Instructions below, this is where most people fail.
LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS: Follow the instructions found here to log in and use the app.