WellSky Admission Topaz Signature
WellSky instructions for capturing signatures to WellSky forms.
1. Navigate and open the patient’s account from Electronic Medical Records.
2. From the patient account, navigate to Demographics and select PDF Forms
3. Click the Add button, select the packet from the drop-down and click Add. The Admission Packet selected will load.
4. Complete the admission forms and click Save which is located at the end of the loaded documents.
5. Once the document is saved, the screen will display the saved documents.
6. Follow the next steps.
• Click on the arrow beside saved Admission Document
• Click on the field beside the document requiring a signature
• Click the Signature Button and select Capture Signature
7. The document will load into the view pane. Below the viewing pane you will see the option to sign using the Topaz machine. Click the blue paper and pencil that represents the Patient Signature. Notice the page number is indicated as well where the signature will transfer to once the signature is completed. If a mistake was made during the
signature, click the red delete and start over.
• Click on the blue paper and pencil
• Sign using the Topaz machine
• Click Save
8. The signature pane will display and the Topaz machine can be used to sign the document. Once the signature is captured, click the Save button. If additional signatures are required on the form, click on the next field, and follow the same steps.
9. The signature is now captured in the signature pane. Proceed to the next field.
10. After all signatures have been captured. Click the Save button located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
11. Wellsky will return to the PDF Forms Screen. Select the next document requiring signature and repeat the same step outlined.
12. After all signatures have been captured. Click on the saved document package and click the Complete icon indicating all documents are completed and signed.
13. Status column will change to Completed.