Email | How to access it
How to use email in the company. The corporate office and hospitals will use a variation of Microsoft Office 365 licensing. Most employees will use the lighter (web browser version) of the license whereas people in leadership roles, management, and certain job positions will have access to the client-installed version.
What is the difference? The web version of Office 365 gives you all the access through the cloud instead of the local machine whereas the full version has it installed on the computer.
How do I know what licensing version I'm using? The easy way to know is by your job. If you are mainly with patients, you are most likely using the web browser version. If you sit behind a desk most of the time, you're most likely to have the full (desktop) version. There will be instances that a job title does not have access.
Can email be accessed from home? Yes! You can use any web browser and go to Sign in using your company email and the password you use to sign into the computer. Ensure you're enrolled in Duo, if not, please create a ticket. The Outlook Mobile app is restricted to certain positions and goes through an approval process.
! Most hospital employees receive email by default, except for Agency, Vendors, and Physicians. However, these positions can request email at the cost of the hospital.
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To access the web version of the email 
1. After logging into the computer for the first time and changing your password, you created your password for email as well. Anytime you change your computer login password, you're changing your password for email.
2. Open up any browser. It can be Chrome or MS Edge. Most users will open emails from the company's "The Landing" web page. When you open the browser for the first time, it will ask you to sign in. You should see the Window below. You sign in with your full email address, click next then your newly created password. Go ahead and click on "Don't show this again", then click Yes.

3. Once signed in, it will open the browser to the company's "The Landing" page. This is the portal for about everything you need access to including your email.

4. When you click on the email icon, it may ask you to sign into it again. Just follow the prompts. Congratulations, you have accessed your email!
To access desktop email 
This only applies to employees that have the full version of the license. As mentioned before, most users will be using the web version. People in positions of leadership and administration will have this license.
! Users with a web license accessing the client (app) installed version of the Microsoft Suite will result in an error. Users who have the E3 license are the only ones that can use the installed version.
1. After logging into the computer for the first time and changing your password, you created your password for email as well. Anytime you change your computer login password, you're changing your password for email.
2. Click the Windows start icon on the bottom left corner of the screen. Please note Office 365 suite. Click on Outlook. You can also scroll down to the "O"s and find it there or type "Outlook" in the search bar. DO NOT use MAIL.

3. It will prompt you to sign in with your full email address then your password. Afterward, you won't be asked to do it again. Congratulations, you have accessed your email!
Email on a mobile device
Please use the link below to install email on your mobile device. This will go through an approval process based on your position. You must be enrolled in Duo.
Add Email on Your Mobile Device with Outlook for iOS or Android | Knowledge Base | Nobis IT (

As with most computer issues, try rebooting first. Most people are guilty of this, but computers may be on for days or weeks. Updates are sitting waiting to be installed and the computer can start acting wonky.
1. Ensure you're using the correct email program. Outlook is the only email program you should be using. Don't use "Mail" found in Windows. 
2. You're using the wrong Outlook. As mentioned in the Summary, there are two license versions of Office 365. Ensure you are accessing the correct version of Outlook. Users of client-installed versions can use both web and client, but web-only users can't use client installed.
3. Your account locked. Outlook syncs with your computer account. If your account is locked or disabled, this will prevent you from accessing your email. Lockouts will auto-unlock after 15 minutes. Please note that if you're logged into multiple computers, a lockout can affect all your logins on the network.
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