Topaz Not Accepting Signatures in WellSky
The Topaz signature pad connects via USB cable. The current model the company uses is the TL-460-HSB-R. It does require a driver from Topaz to work correctly. If the signature pad is taken from a computer and connected to another computer that does not have a driver, it will not work. If the signature pad has always worked on the current computer and it stopped working, then it's most likely a software issue. It's also possible the signature pad has failed.
1. Reboot the computer to ensure no Windows Updates are preventing the signature pad from working.
2. Ensure the USB cable is securely connected. If it doesn't work on the current USB port, try a different USB port.
3. The current computer does not have a driver. Create an incident with the IT department for a driver install.
4. The computer doesn't have the correct driver. It'll pass the signature test in the desktop environment, but not capture a signature in WellSky. Please create a ticket with IT. (IT, see notes below)
For IT Department
Topaz Systems INC. Troubleshooting Guide: HSB Troubleshooting Guide (
Driver: ad\\shares\Install\
If the browser doesn't give an option to capture a signature, e.g., radio button for Topaz, then it's most likely a driver issue.