Changing your password on VPN should be avoided if possible, but if your situation warrants it because you are a remote worker, a traveler, or a person without a hospital, then follow the instructions below. Although password changes aren't enforced every 90 days, it is possible to change your password. It should be changed if you think your password has been compromised or if you feel a need to change it.
Changing your password will affect other applications that touch Active Directory such as Microsoft 365, SharePoint (The Landing), 8x8, and Pyxis. You'll be prompted to update your password when accessing the mentioned applications. WellSky does NOT get updated. It is an external application not touched by our system.
It can also take a couple of minutes for your password to sync to Microsoft 365 and can affect the applications mentioned above.
1. You'll need to be signed into VPN. (You should already have permission if you fill in the circumstance mentioned in the Summary.)
2. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del on your keyboard. It will bring up a screen that gives you options. Click on "Change a password." You'll be forced to enter your current password then type in your new password. Your new password cannot contain your name or the previous five passwords. It must be eight characters minimum, have at least one capital letter, and a number. Retype your password to verify and you are set.
3. Lock the computer. Pressing the Windows Icon + "L" on the keyboard will lock the computer. You can also click on the Windows Icon, click the profile icon and click "Lock." Thridly, you can press Ctrl-Alt-Del on your keyboard to get the screen from step 2 and click "Lock."
4. After you lock the computer, you'll need to sign back in with your newly created password. The computer password will be updated to your profile.
5. Sign out of VPN, then sign back in with the new password. You're done!