Email Signature Line
Email signature lines are automatically created on outgoing emails leaving the server, not the Outlook program. The company uses a program to do this and does not utilize the built-in email signature feature of Outlook.
Please note that you WILL NOT see the signature when you are composing the email or even when you look at the email in Sent Items. The automated signature is attached to the end of your email AFTER it leaves our mail server.
If you want to test seeing your signature, send an email to yourself. There is no need to go into Outlook to create a signature line unless you want to add more information. If you do this, you'll have two signature lines. The information that is used to create your signature line is pulled from your computer account. When HR submits an onboarding, they generally use the information you provide.
The signature line can be modified slightly. The logo and format cannot be changed. Names and phone numbers can be changed. Job titles are standardized and will remain the same according to corporate.
If you require a change to your signature line, managers or HR can submit changes using the "Employee Change Request" through the Service Catalog in the ticketing system.