8x8 - Nursing Supervisor Phones
If your phone is an iPhone, then your phone is using the 8x8 Work app to make calls. This app is the exact same app that your Leadership team uses on their personal phones. The only difference is the Nursing Supervisor's phone does not use a cellular plan. Instead, it uses the Wi-Fi network in your hospital. The phone is 100 percent reliant on the internet since 8x8 is a VOIP service. No internet means no service.
The most common reasons why a Nursing Supervisor's phone doesn't work are because of WiFi or being on constantly without a restart.
1. Are you on the hospital_guest network? Internet is needed for 8x8 service to work.
2. Is your hospital having internet issues? Ask around and see if others are having problems with the internet. A ticket may need to be submitted for internet issues.
3. Has the phone been restarted? More than likely, there is a software update that is needed. Please go to settings, and make sure you run the updates. The phone should reboot after the updates.
4. The 8x8 app itself could be outdated or corrupt. If you tried all the steps above, deleting the app is the last resort. Please consult with your IT department before doing this.
5. Hard shutdown? Try holding the power button or power button + volume up button.