Duo Enrollment from Home (outside of hospital)
First-time Enrollment in Duo
Enrollment is the process that registers you as a user in Duo with a device capable of performing two-factor authentication. Duo prompts you to enroll the first time you log into a protected VPN or web application when using a browser or client application that shows the interactive Duo web-based prompt. Follow the on-screen prompts to set up your Duo authentication device.
When employees are onboarded, Duo is automatically part of a permission that is granted. You should already have a Duo enrollment in your company email inbox. The link within the email does have an enrollment time before it expires. We have found out that the enrollment email will sometimes fail to send to the user. If this happens, a ticket will be required for IT to resend the enrollment. Try to enroll immediately if you're new or assisting a new hire. Not everyone requires Duo, but if you use Microsoft Teams or use company email outside the hospital, you will need Duo.
WARNING: It's not advisable to enroll for the first time outside the hospital as this seems to cause confusion to most. If you're new to the company and work in a hospital, please enroll from the hospital by checking your company email. If you don't find a Duo enrollment email in your inbox, please create a ticket with your IT department asking for a new Duo enrollment.
Ensure you've signed into the computer at the hospital first before proceeding. You will have to visit the hospital if you don't do this.
1. To enroll in Duo outside of the hospital, you'll need access to a computer. Please do not use a mobile device for enrollment to access the link in the next step. You won't be able to scan the QR code if you do.
2. Open up a browser, it doesn't matter which one, and type https://outlook.office.com in the address bar of the browser.
3. You will see a Microsoft login page. You will type in your COMPANY email.
4. The next screen is when enrollment begins. Again, you will type in your COMPANY email and password that was used to sign into the computer while in the hospital. This step can't be completed unless you create a password.
5. Duo will have you go through some acknowledgments, and you will need to scan the QR code from your mobile device. Once this is done the next step is critical and most often the most failed step. Please follow this step carefully!
Do NOT enter a phone number. Instead, click on "I have a tablet."
If you followed the steps correctly, then you're enrolled.